You didn't think I'd be brave enough to tackle this one, did you? Well, I am and we shall. See, I actually don't have much of an opinion about Gay Marriage. I'm indifferent. It has no effect on my daily life whatsoever. I wake up every morning and do exactly the same thing whether gay people are getting married in this country or not. It doesn't matter. I have no problem one way or the other. However, (and you had to know this was coming) what I DO have a problem with is people trying to set the entire country's moral compass based on their own beliefs. Hear me out.
Let's start with a definition of marriage as I understand it. Marriage is when two people stand and profess their love and lifelong intentions to one another before God and witnesses. And then.................AND THEN, the entire thing has to be approved by an ordained preacher or Justice of the Peace. For what? For the STATE, that's what! So let me ask you. If you've just professed your love to someone in front of God himself, what difference does it make what the state thinks? I'll tell you why. Because it allows you privileges. That's right. You get to file joint tax returns. Your insurance is lower. You can buy family health coverage, etc etc etc.
Now on the other hand, (and this just kills me) you can throw all that out the window if you've been living together and want to split the sheets. Now the state says, "Oh forget all that crap about a license and preacher. You're common law. Give him/her half your stuff."
So who is it that says "marriage" is between man and woman? The bible. And I have absolutely NO problem with you practicing what you believe. This is America.......A M E R I C A!!!! Remember? We are afforded basic rights by the Constitution and among those are freedom of speech, the right to bear arms and FREEDOM OF RELIGION! Do you know what that means? It means you don't have the right to legislate what is or isn't moral based on religion. We're all free to practice what we believe. I mean, please! Exactly how much more congressional time are we going so spend arguing this crap? We have a war in Iraq, a cratering economy and the stock market is a mess.
Here's the bottom line for me. I'm not gay and frankly I'm not sure I understand the concept whether it's learned or genetic. I'm not here to argue that. I'm simply saying that those that are gay and profess their love for each should be given the same rights and freedoms as everyone else. I don't have to agree with it. I darn sure don't have to like it. But I do have to respect it.
Don't we have better things to do?
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