Wednesday, April 29, 2009

In a Pig's Eye

I'm angry. I'm shocked. I'm appalled. I'd even go so far as to say I'm losing faith in my fellow man. But you know what? It's our own fault. It is.
Of course, I'm talking about the Swine Flu "Pandemic". Are you kidding me? A school near me closed for the week. The Fort Worth ISD closed until May 8th!! A friend's daughter had her field trip to the zoo cancelled. People at airports are wearing masks. For what? I'll tell you for what. It's for a trumped up, media-driven, pharmaceutical company-induced panic over Swine Flu.
Please, for the love of God, examine the facts before you buy into this baloney. Does anyone remember Bird Flu? Did it suddenly fly the coop? The last I heard our entire species was going to be eradicated all over the globe. Chickens were being burned at the stake. I'll tell you what happened to it.......nothing. It's still around. It's still here just like Mumps, Measles, Chicken Pox and the plain ole run-of-the-mill flu. But it hasn't killed us. It hasn't killed us because it's no longer newsworthy.
So, why, you must be wondering, is all of this our own fault? It's the monster we've created by demanding 24 hour a day news coverage of just about everything. We sit up all night watching CNBC, MSNBC, CNN and every other news station, on the edges of our seat, waiting for the next sound bite. And what do the executives at those stations do? They give us what we ask for because it sells!
At least 30,000 people die every year from the flu. Hell, people die every year from the common cold. So why is Swine Flu any different? It's different because it sells marketing spots on TV and makes pharmaceutical companies millions by selling Tamiflu. In a nutshell, it keeps the common folk on edge, begging for our government to DO something. Well, here's what they oughta do.....nothing. I promise if you give this 6 months, you'll never hear another word about it because it will have lost it's shock value. Sure, some obscure toddler in Taiwan will die from Swine Flu, but by then it won't be news so the panic subsides.
If you've kept up with this blog at all, you know I think we're all doomed anyway. It's inevitable. And it may even be some superbug that sweeps the globe and kills us all. Is it going to be Swine Flu? Please. This bug won't kill or even infect 1, 1 billionth of our population. It just won't happen. Some other bug that sells more ads will come along WAY before this one has a chance to even get a foothold.
You want to prevent infection? Ok, so I'm ok with that. Sure, wash your hands. Don't french kiss strangers. Cancel your trip to Mexico. It won't matter. It won't matter because it DOESN'T matter. If it was the super bug the media makes it out to be, do you think for one second all the governments in the world could stop it? Our own government couldn't get water to the Superdome. Give me a break.
Go to work tomorrow. Open the schools. Turn off your TV. The media is counting on you buying this bull. Ignore it. Your kids are safe and so are you. Give them some Tylenol and a cool washcloth. It's all going to be just fine. Just ask the dinosaurs!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Only Way to Fail is to Fail to Try

Is it just me or have we completely lost sight of what's important in this country? I'm talking about Texas' school systems most recent attempts at forbidding teachers to give grades lower than a 50.....and in some cases, no lower than a 70!! Thank goodness there is legislation pending in Austin that will put a stop to this ridiculous notion.
I understand the argument posed by those who want to make it impossible for students to fail. I'm sure it's true that students who continually receive failing grades are more likely to drop out of school. I'm sure it breaks their little hearts every time they receive a low grade so immediately they take to the streets, dealing drugs and killing innocent folks. Here's the problem. It teaches them NOTHING about dealing with failure. And what difference does it make whether someone is receiving a failing grade or receiving a passing grade, but still not grasping the material, or God forbid, LEARNING something?
Is there just one among us who has never failed at something? If you haven't failed, you've never lived. Sure it felt bad when you failed, but you picked yourself up and started over, right? Please tell me you picked yourself up and started over or it's gonna ruin this entire argument.
Let me share a little personal background on this. I was born and raised in a very small town in Nebraska. I went to a small school. I didn't move around. I stayed in the same school system from K-12. I had two loving parents who stayed together. I had two brothers. I could walk across the street to go hiking or hunting and either walk or ride my bike a mere mile or two to go fishing for catfish and carp. I went sled-riding in the winter, had tons of friends in my neighborhood, and literally, had a Leave-It-To-Beaver-type of upbringing. I really didn't face any kind of adversity.....ever. Sounds too good to be true. It sounds great and it was. But there's a catch.
When I reached adulthood and got out on my own, I learned that people DID actually have real-life problems. I was shocked! The first time I had to deal with something that didn't go quite my way, I had no idea how to handle it. I've been learning the hard way for the last 30 years. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing to complain about really. But life has been a little more like swimming upstream because I didn't develope the tools in childhood.
My point is this. Childhood is the BEST time to learn to deal with that stuff. Yes, I do indeed think it would have been better if my early life hadn't been quite so rosy. Today that's what we're trying to do with our kids. We let everyone make the soccer team. Everyone gets to be cheerleader. You can go to tryouts for the dance company, but no worries......everyone gets in!We won't let our kids fail and they HAVE to learn what if feels like or adulthood is going to slap them in the face and hard!
I'm amazed that the people we pay to educate our kids were ignorant enough to come up with the idea of not letting our children fail simply by lowering the standard. Where do we get these people? Speak up. Join the PTA. Call your State Senator. But help make them wake up. It's ok to fail. It really is.
Here's an idea. Let's TEACH them something.

Do it yourself!!

Everyone needs a hand up every now and then. And, no doubt, on rare occasion, some may even need a hand OUT. I don't generally have a problem with either dilemma.
But lately, I'm hearing an enormous amount of chatter about our current administration building a larger government. He's a Democrat.....duh! As a rule, that's what Democrats do. They tend to lean toward a more liberal, more forgiving, more socially sympathetic government. Hey, remember, I voted for the guy (please read previous entries for the "why"). And even though as I've aged I've become more moderate, I do believe in a smaller government.
Take a look at the constitution. Our government, especially at the national level, should really only be doing two things: legislating and providing for the national defense. Thats it. Nothing more. Having said that, I have something to say to everyone that is complaining about larger government. It may even pertain to those who aren't complaining. It's simple really. STOP ASKING FOR STUFF!!
I just returned from a call where a citizen was concerned about a tree branch that "may" be about to fall in the street. The yard was filled with strapping young men that could have pulled or cut the branch down themselves, but they called their local fire department, funded by their local government instead. Remember, we're ALL paying for that.
Things a little tight at home and thinking about food stamps? Perhaps the answer is a second job doing ANYTHING. Before you label me insensitive, I completely understand there are those that CAN'T do anything for themselves, and for them we should be a society that helps them out. But you and I both know there are thousands, maybe even millions of folks out their eating at the government trough that are more than capable of doing something.....anything. And by the way,why is it our government should be helping? Shouldn't we ALL help each other out a little more?
All I'm really trying to say in a very few lines, is that there are thousands of government programs available to aid people that might otherwise be able to do it themselves. We've become a society that wants to be taken care of instead of one that does it ourselves. Remember the old adage, "necessity is the mother of invention"? In layman's terms that means that if you need it bad enough, you'll find an honest way to get it.
If you're complaining about bigger government, remember that next time you ask for government assistance where you may be able to go it alone. You can't complain about how government is in our business and then declare, "I'm gonna get mine!" It just doesn't work that way.
How about some pride? You want smaller government? Do it yourself.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why Not?

Just the other day I picked my daughter up from school after she spent a couple hours helping her old 5th grade teacher grade papers, etc. She was there with two other friends and as I walked in to get her, the teacher was explaining the IB program and asked them what subjects interested them. My daughter, much to my suprise, told him she wanted to study Philosophy. He told her there wasn't alot of money in that arena, but I later told her that it was best to follow her passion and the money would find a way. Some days I hope she isn't the deep thinker I tend to be. Her head is gonna hurt......alot!
On the way out of the building, the teacher relayed a story about a Philosophy class in which the final exam asked just one question: "Why?" All of the students, but one wrote feverishly for an hour, quoting famous philosphers, etc. The lone student sat for most of the time, scribbled for only a moment, got up and turned in his paper. His answer? "Why not?" He got a B+.
Today I wonder if "Why not?" may not be the question/answer to most everything we do. "Why did you become a firefighter?", you might ask. Why not? Why climb Everest? Why go skydiving? Why ride a motorcycle with no helmet? Why not? Maybe we spend all of our lives asking the wrong question.
What is it you want to do today? Do you want to study Philosophy even though there isn't money in it? Do you want to be a famous dancer? Do you want to try something crazy, silly, or just plain exciting? What about that girl that caught your eye a couple weeks ago? Have you been afraid to talk to her? "Why would I?", you might inquire. "She's outta my league." My answer is, "Why not?" Or perhaps more accurately, "What are you afraid of"?
Every time you're faced with a "want" and then start talking yourself out of it by asking "why", turn the table and ask "why not". The truth is, as much as many of us hate to face it, this IS the last rodeo. It doesn't matter what your belief is. Whether it's heaven, enlightenment, or just darkness after this life, I think we all agree that it won't be THIS life again. You want to have a dish of ice cream or ride a roller coaster that scares you to death? You want to change careers? Go back to school?
Why not?

Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm Sorry

The other day while I was finishing up some shopping at Walmart, I did (well actually SAID) something off-color and out of character for me. At least I HOPE it was out of character.
While loading groceries in my truck, a Walmart employee was waiting to take my cart. While he waited, a friend asked him how he was doing. He said, and I quote, "I'm doing well." My response to that? And I quote again with sincere apologies, "Does he know he's retarded and pushing carts at Walmart?" Completely and utterly tasteless. As you may have already guessed; however, my ruthless question did have deeper meaning.
What I meant to say in my I'm-a-fireman-with-a-crude-sense-of-humor kind of way is, "How can someone who seemingly has so "little" be "well", when I, who has so much, seems to be able to find things to complain about? And I guess that's really the topic of this blog.
I forget the exact statistics, but something like 90% of all Americans are wealthier than 95% of the the world population. I'm sure the numbers are wrong, but the point is clear. Almost all of us have food to eat, friends, jobs and a place to sleep. Imagine the people world-wide who have few or even none of the above.
Just like when I was riding a busy ambulance, life is largely about attitude. I have MUCH to be grateful for. I have the best job in the world for which I am usually overpaid. I have a wonderful pension waiting. I have healthy, happy and beautiful children. I have friends, a late-model truck, food to eat, and a roof over my head every single day of every month of every year. I have absolutely NOTHING to complain about, yet somehow I still find a way to do it.
This young man, who was slightly short of faculties and pushing carts at Walmart for what I assume is minimum wage, was "well". He didn't complain. He didn't say he was "doing ok I suppose." He didn't say he could be doing better or that he couldn't wait for his shift to be over. He offered great customer service and he did it with a smile. He did something else that day. He reminded me that how you look at life is up to you. You can be unhappy about what you don't have, or you can be happy with what you have. It's up to you....period.
Even though my comment that day wasn't MEANT to be cruel, it was and I feel ashamed by it. And just like an earlier blog that spoke of "What if's.....", this young man changed my future permanently and irreversibly without even trying. Be careful what you complain about. Be careful what you wish for. And most of all, be careful what you say. Words spoken leave a lasting impression and can never be taken back.
I'm sorry.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How's He Doing?

Just the other day someone asked me what kind of job I thought President Obama was doing so far. I'm about to tell you, but you're going to have to bear with me and keep an open mind.

In a nutshell, I think our new president is doing EXACTLY what we need for him to do. Hang in there with me and I'll tell you why.

Last November, I did something I have never, EVER done as a registered voter, and I've voted in every presidential election since I became eligible. I voted for a Democrat. Some of you are already applauding. Some of you are already calling me names. Stay tuned. Immediately AFTER I checked the box of Barrack Obama, I voted a straight Republican ticket. Ok, so now many of you think I'm crazy for sure.

As a rule, I have always been a Republican. I am fiscally conservative, believe in a free market system (in fact a radically free market), and like my government small and relatively uninvolved. I believe in the right to keep and bear arms, a strong military, etc. etc. As I get older, I do tend to lean a little left socially, but in general, most would agree I am more conservative than anything else.

That being said, this country needed a shot in the arm. It needed a big shot in the arm. Many people, especially our youth, had turned their back on politics. As I discussed things with people I was always amazed at the level of apathy I received as it related to politics, our economy, the war in Iraq, etc. Things were good, but getting bad. Most people didn't care. You'll have to agree, when Obama really got a good head of steam in the presidential campaign, this country's interest in our government exploded. The most important demographic of people who got involved were our youth; first-time voters.

So here's my take on the whole thing and why I voted for Obama. We needed people interested in government for our future to take hold. His presence in that campaign got the ball rolling in that direction in a big way. Whether or not he makes things better or screws them up beyond recognition over the next four years, we do indeed have a whole new generation of people now interested in stepping in. It may be that a young parent runs for PTA, or the school board, or their local city council. Maybe the President that saves us from world-destruction sometime in the future was born from interest in this campaign.

I think the stimulus package is probably a waste. I think we need to stop bailing companies out of trouble even if it means our economy hitting rock-bottom and starting over. I think a true free market will fix almost anything if we stop calling for an immediate solution to a long term problem. EVERYTHING is cyclical. It'll work out. Our founding fathers knew that when they developed a system of government that required two sides. Tired of one? The other one will gain ground. Tired of that one now? Fear not. The other team is right behing them.

I DO think it's time we stopped saying one idea or the other is a "bad" idea just because a Democrat thought of it; or a Republican thought of it for that matter. If you look closely at most any issue, you'll probably find there are some good AND bad about solutions from both sides. Maybe we should take the good from each side and meet in the middle. It's just a thought.

Is Obama doing a good job? Heck, I don't know. I think it's too early to say. But I know this. The fact that he's President is accomplishing exactly what we need for the long haul.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Honor and Respect for the Fallen

President Obama recently lifted the ban on the media having access to our fallen military personnel as they are being transferred from military to civilian transport. In other words, photographers can now take pictures of deceased soldiers remains (caskets) as they are taken from the plane and put on a hearse. The catch, as I understand it is, as long as the family agrees. This lifts a ban that former President Bush put in place.

I have mixed feelings about this. In a previous entry I wrote that our soldiers deserve more coverage. The media has an obligation to report the danger our men and women are still facing in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have an obligation to demand it. I still believe that to be true. Our troops deserve objective coverage, lest we forget that we're still there and lives are still being lost.

On the other hand, bringing home a loved one who has fallen is an enormously personal matter. I do think it's beneficial as a whole for us (the civilian public) to see that there are, in fact, still dying soldiers being brought back home. But as a parent, the last thing I would want is for some camera person to have a lense stuck in my face as I grieve the return of my dead son or daughter. But that's just me. I continue to be amazed every time I see someone on television grant an interview to some reporter as it relates to their dead relative. Be warned. If one of my family passes and you show up at my door for an interview, I'll consider you a trespasser. You'll be issued one warning and then you'll be shot.

In a nutshell. I think lifting the ban is good as long as the final decision is left to the family. Some will want the coverage as part of the grieving process and some will want privacy. Some will want us to see the sacrifice their son or daughter or father or mother made. Some won't. For those that DON'T want the coverage, I believe the military escort should have shoot-on-site orders for any reporter or photographer that violates the families request. For the families that DO want the coverage, I still think reporters that violate the honor and sanctity of the fallen, should also be put down at the discretion of the military escort.

We want to remember. But more than anything we want to honor and respect those that have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. I don't think that's too much to ask considering all they've done.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

New World Order

Maybe I've been watching the wrong newscast. Maybe I've been reading the wrong paper or flipping past the right channel, but I am AMAZED that I haven't heard a louder roar from the religious far right concerning the G20 summit. Unless you've been living under a rock for the last 50 years, this reaks of what people would call......."a new world order."
I'm no expert on this by any means, but what I understand is that, from a biblical perspective, a one-world government lead by the anti-christ (presumably our new president Obama) is one of the classic signs of Armageddon . It's quite a stretch to see a summit which deals with global economics as a worldly government. But it doesn't take much imagination or fanaticism to see it as a huge step in that direction.
Granted, I have heard a few rumblings of Obama being the "charismatic leader who evolves from the great sea" (some believe "the sea" to be politics), aka, the anti-christ, but where the heck are my new world order people?
I'm not trying to invite a religious debate here (well, ok, MAYBE), but first of all, there is no person coming as the antichrist. If there were, I'd have a 666 tattooed somewhere on me right now. Second, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to predict the end of the world. Now it WOULD take a lucky guess to predict how or when, but IF? Heck, my 11 year old can figure that one out. Millions of species have perished from earth. You remember......dinasaurs? We won't be exempt from extinction either, but it won't be based on an economic summit. Furthermore, earth won't be here forever. Perhaps a very very very very long time. But not for eternity. We're part of a small solar system in an ever-expanding universe bigger than you can get your mind around. Sooner or later....we're toast.
I am continually amazed at the people in an uproar about global economics. Sure there are jobs going to India and just about everywhere else you can think of. Some of them are coming here too. It's like this. When the world was larger (pre internet), you had to decide if you wanted to work in Denver or Chicago. I have already explained to my daugher that by the time she reaches college, she'll be deciding whether she wants to work in Dallas, New Delhi, or Tokyo. That isn't a BAD thing. It's a GLOBAL thing. The more populous we become and the smaller our world gets through technology, the more global we'll get. You can't stop it. Its the natural order of things.
Should we build a wall on the Texas border? Sure, go ahead. But I promise you it'll do nothing to prevent a world economy, world market, or a melting pot of people. Give us another couple hundred years and every person will be a nice light shade of brown. The world's borders are crumbling. And to be honest, I think they have to if we're to survive long as a species. Do you really think the solution is to build giant walls around every country and start little communes? It won't least not successfully.
You can be frightened by our changing world. You can resist it. You can curse it. You may even embrace it. But I know one thing for sure. You better get your mind wrapped around it. It's's already here.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Door Eventually Swings Out

For those of you who followed my old blog, you may recall I did some writing last Fall regarding my dad and some of the people he shared space with at a rehab hospital. Sadly, after finally going home, another fall has landed him back in the hospital and ultimately back in rehab with a fractured spine and 3 fractured ribs. He's 80. My mom, who is 76, is his primary caregiver. It just isn't working so well.
Be that as it may, I of course began to wonder about how people cling to this life on earth. My dad has always been a bit afraid of dying. He barely walks, he's heavily sedated, he falls, he's had two back surgeries, bypass surgery and surgery on a broken hip, yet continues to do everything possible to keep keepin on. Even mom continues to talk about how he'll "get his strength back" and come home as if there's barely a thing wrong with him. Why is it we hold on so tight?
Are there things we feel we've left undone? Are there still things on our bucket list that we'd like to do? Are we afraid of what's beyond? Or more accurately, are we afraid that maybe there is NOTHING beyond? Now THAT is a scary thought. For Christians, of course, Christ's sacrifice means heaven awaits. If you aren't Christian then, no doubt, something ELSE awaits. Lets face it. No one really knows for sure. Maybe its that nagging deep inside that we really don't know that makes us cling to this as if it were all there is.
It's hard seeing my mom and dad get to that stage in life where the best is behind them.....way behind them. For them there isn't alot left but doctors, hospitals, rehab and maybe even a nursing home although you'd never convince my mother of that.
But here's the thing. Death truly is part of life. We're all going to get there. Oddly, I'm not afraid of that passage so much as I am curious about it. A lot of questions will get answered then for sure. For the newborn baby, the door is swinging in. For people like me, the door is just sort of slightly ajar. For people like my folks, the door is swinging out. I hope it doesn't sound too cruel to say that once the door swings out, maybe it's best to just walk on through.
There IS something beyond this life. Every single one of us will learn what it is.......when our door finally swings out.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Have We Forgotten?

A very few years ago we were attacked by terrorists. 343 of my firefighter brothers were killed in rescue attempts during and following the attack. Thousands of other people were killed in the attack, affecting the lives of thousands of others forever (see What if...). Shortly after the attack President Bush promised swift and decisive action. I, for one, was all for it. I think most people were.

Now here we are years later. Sadam is dead, but Al Quada continues to wreak havoc with our troops in Iraq. For months and even years after the attack, we heard nothing but stories about our war efforts and how many of our brave men and women were being killed or injured.

When was the last time you saw the 6 o'clock news give even a snippet about the war? I'm not going to argue here whether or not we should even still be there, or whether we should be in Iran instead. What I am going to argue is that we have just as many troops there as ever, and they face danger in the name of our freedom every day. I couldn't tell you how many are still being killed because we don't get that intel from our news sources.

We hear plenty about GM and Chrysler, AIG, the bailouts and the huge bonuses being paid executives even during periods of poor performance. What we no longer hear about is the men and women in uniform who are risking their lives for us. I think we owe them at least some news footage every night don't you?

HAVE we forgotten? I certainly hope not.