Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why Not?

Just the other day I picked my daughter up from school after she spent a couple hours helping her old 5th grade teacher grade papers, etc. She was there with two other friends and as I walked in to get her, the teacher was explaining the IB program and asked them what subjects interested them. My daughter, much to my suprise, told him she wanted to study Philosophy. He told her there wasn't alot of money in that arena, but I later told her that it was best to follow her passion and the money would find a way. Some days I hope she isn't the deep thinker I tend to be. Her head is gonna hurt......alot!
On the way out of the building, the teacher relayed a story about a Philosophy class in which the final exam asked just one question: "Why?" All of the students, but one wrote feverishly for an hour, quoting famous philosphers, etc. The lone student sat for most of the time, scribbled for only a moment, got up and turned in his paper. His answer? "Why not?" He got a B+.
Today I wonder if "Why not?" may not be the question/answer to most everything we do. "Why did you become a firefighter?", you might ask. Why not? Why climb Everest? Why go skydiving? Why ride a motorcycle with no helmet? Why not? Maybe we spend all of our lives asking the wrong question.
What is it you want to do today? Do you want to study Philosophy even though there isn't money in it? Do you want to be a famous dancer? Do you want to try something crazy, silly, or just plain exciting? What about that girl that caught your eye a couple weeks ago? Have you been afraid to talk to her? "Why would I?", you might inquire. "She's outta my league." My answer is, "Why not?" Or perhaps more accurately, "What are you afraid of"?
Every time you're faced with a "want" and then start talking yourself out of it by asking "why", turn the table and ask "why not". The truth is, as much as many of us hate to face it, this IS the last rodeo. It doesn't matter what your belief is. Whether it's heaven, enlightenment, or just darkness after this life, I think we all agree that it won't be THIS life again. You want to have a dish of ice cream or ride a roller coaster that scares you to death? You want to change careers? Go back to school?
Why not?

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