Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Have We Forgotten?

A very few years ago we were attacked by terrorists. 343 of my firefighter brothers were killed in rescue attempts during and following the attack. Thousands of other people were killed in the attack, affecting the lives of thousands of others forever (see What if...). Shortly after the attack President Bush promised swift and decisive action. I, for one, was all for it. I think most people were.

Now here we are years later. Sadam is dead, but Al Quada continues to wreak havoc with our troops in Iraq. For months and even years after the attack, we heard nothing but stories about our war efforts and how many of our brave men and women were being killed or injured.

When was the last time you saw the 6 o'clock news give even a snippet about the war? I'm not going to argue here whether or not we should even still be there, or whether we should be in Iran instead. What I am going to argue is that we have just as many troops there as ever, and they face danger in the name of our freedom every day. I couldn't tell you how many are still being killed because we don't get that intel from our news sources.

We hear plenty about GM and Chrysler, AIG, the bailouts and the huge bonuses being paid executives even during periods of poor performance. What we no longer hear about is the men and women in uniform who are risking their lives for us. I think we owe them at least some news footage every night don't you?

HAVE we forgotten? I certainly hope not.

1 comment:

  1. Our thoughts on this particular subject are very similar, keep them flowing.

    Thanks for caring

    Pat Murphy
