Friday, March 26, 2010

Train-ing Day

"A Train was born without any effort - it was like writing a letter to a friend."

 -Billy Strayhorn -

This morning when I arrived at work, I stepped out the back door of the station and breathed in the cool morning air.  It was a gorgeous morning here in Dallas.  As I stood there enjoying two of my favorite vices, I heard the familiar soft rumble of something I see every day I'm at work............the DART commuter train.  It passes less than 50 yards directly behind our fire station.  It passes as quickly as it comes.  Rumble........roar...........silence.

I often stand and watch as the train rushes past.  Sometimes I wave at whoever may be looking from within.  Sometimes I just stand there and do nothing.  Sometimes I ignore it completely.  But I always know it's there.  And every time I either see it or hear it, I thank the universe for the opportunity I have to serve in my chosen profession. 

Seeing the train go past, when I pay attention, always makes me wonder about the people inside.  Where are they going?  WHY are they going?  Is it for a job they love or a job they've grown to hate?  Are they going to see a loved one?  Have they left a loved one behind on the other side of town?  Are they happy, sad, joyful, bitter.....................?  Do they see me standing there?  What do THEY think?  "What the heck is that fireman doing just STANDING out there?"  On rare occasions I've seen people wave, but not often.  Even the postures I observe in an instant tell a tale of those inside.  I suspect some really have no where to go so they just hop on the train and ride...well....everywhere.  It's a true buffet of feelings and thoughts that rush through my gray matter as fast as the train blows by the station.

Funny thing about trains.  They only go one direction at a time.  They don't veer from their predestined path.  They don't take the next exit so you can look around and soak in the locals. They just go.  Clickety-clack, clickety-clack.  First one way, then another.  Always filled with people I'll likely never meet.  The question really is, at that instant, are there people on board with which I can connect?  Sure there are.  A smile and a wave just might change someones day.

As is common in my little brain-world, this is a ramble of the rambliest sort.  There's no hidden agenda or moral to some story.  I just find the little train fascinating.  So from now on I'm going to make an effort to smile and wave every time I get a chance.  Someone just might smile and wave back.  And THAT just might make BOTH our days.  Maybe you'll do the same?  Perhaps it won't be a train, but in that instant where you have a choice between ignoring someone on the street or giving them a smile, you'll choose the smile.  The chance will pass in an instant as will the chance for a smile.  Go on, give it a try. 

The train isn't gonna break down and let people off you know!


  1. They probably think, "why is that fireman standing there - shouldn't he be inside watching a movie?" lol

  2. "Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day."

    Excellent advice, Matt. As always, excellent advice. :)
