I'm angry. I'm shocked. I'm appalled. I'd even go so far as to say I'm losing faith in my fellow man. But you know what? It's our own fault. It is.
Of course, I'm talking about the Swine Flu "Pandemic". Are you kidding me? A school near me closed for the week. The Fort Worth ISD closed until May 8th!! A friend's daughter had her field trip to the zoo cancelled. People at airports are wearing masks. For what? I'll tell you for what. It's for a trumped up, media-driven, pharmaceutical company-induced panic over Swine Flu.
Please, for the love of God, examine the facts before you buy into this baloney. Does anyone remember Bird Flu? Did it suddenly fly the coop? The last I heard our entire species was going to be eradicated all over the globe. Chickens were being burned at the stake. I'll tell you what happened to it.......nothing. It's still around. It's still here just like Mumps, Measles, Chicken Pox and the plain ole run-of-the-mill flu. But it hasn't killed us. It hasn't killed us because it's no longer newsworthy.
So, why, you must be wondering, is all of this our own fault? It's the monster we've created by demanding 24 hour a day news coverage of just about everything. We sit up all night watching CNBC, MSNBC, CNN and every other news station, on the edges of our seat, waiting for the next sound bite. And what do the executives at those stations do? They give us what we ask for because it sells!
At least 30,000 people die every year from the flu. Hell, people die every year from the common cold. So why is Swine Flu any different? It's different because it sells marketing spots on TV and makes pharmaceutical companies millions by selling Tamiflu. In a nutshell, it keeps the common folk on edge, begging for our government to DO something. Well, here's what they oughta do.....nothing. I promise if you give this 6 months, you'll never hear another word about it because it will have lost it's shock value. Sure, some obscure toddler in Taiwan will die from Swine Flu, but by then it won't be news so the panic subsides.
If you've kept up with this blog at all, you know I think we're all doomed anyway. It's inevitable. And it may even be some superbug that sweeps the globe and kills us all. Is it going to be Swine Flu? Please. This bug won't kill or even infect 1, 1 billionth of our population. It just won't happen. Some other bug that sells more ads will come along WAY before this one has a chance to even get a foothold.
You want to prevent infection? Ok, so I'm ok with that. Sure, wash your hands. Don't french kiss strangers. Cancel your trip to Mexico. It won't matter. It won't matter because it DOESN'T matter. If it was the super bug the media makes it out to be, do you think for one second all the governments in the world could stop it? Our own government couldn't get water to the Superdome. Give me a break.
Go to work tomorrow. Open the schools. Turn off your TV. The media is counting on you buying this bull. Ignore it. Your kids are safe and so are you. Give them some Tylenol and a cool washcloth. It's all going to be just fine. Just ask the dinosaurs!