Sunday, April 4, 2010

Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony (Part #1)


"The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."

-Black Elk-

"Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal."

-Martin Luther King, Jr.-

"We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace."

-William Gladstone-

"When my heart is at peace, the world is at peace."

-Chinese Proverb-

Peace   /pis/ Show Spelled [pees] Show IPA noun, interjection, verb,peaced, peac·ing
1.the normal, nonwarring condition of a nation, group of nations, or the world.
7.a state of tranquillity or serenity: May he rest in peace.
Ok, so I know I've beaten the quotes and definitions regarding Peace to death already.  Funny how speaking of Peace creates a great dichotomy doesn't it?  I know you've all heard it before from your coach or some other mentor.  "The best defense is a good offense."  or "The best offense is a good defense."  Even Ronald Reagan, whom I admire greatly, believed that the way to world Peace was through strength and a strong military.  He stated it publicly in July of 1980 and lived that philosophy every day.  In other words, if we have enough nukes no one will mess with us. 
But is lack of conflict truly Peace?  Of course it isn't.  Not even close. Even now we have troops all over the world, most specifically Afghanistan and Iraq that are fighting and dying under the cloak of maintaining "peace."  Is it working?  Well, it's entirely possible that it has offered a few people a higher level of freedom and might possibly have averted terrorist strikes on our nation (I realize those points can be argued either way.  Perhaps another subject for another time.), but has it promoted Peace?  I find it hard to believe we can wield an M16 or 50 Cal. in one hand and still allow the word Peace to spew from our lips.  Yet that's the way we've being doing it for centuries.  We've mistakenly considered lack of conflict on OUR soil to mean Peace.  It simply isn't so.
There's a popular definition of insanity that most of us have heard.  "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."  Don't be fooled by propaganda that says we're living in Peace regardless of whether or not we have troops on the ground.  As a human race, we haven't even begun to grasp the concept of Peace, yet politicians use the word as a campaign platform every year.  We've become ignorant and numb to it's true meaning.
The second definition of Peace you read above says, "a state of tranquility or serenity."  NOW we may be on to something.  Is it realistic to think that an entire nation, let alone an entire planet can suddenly find tranquility and serenity?  At first you may answer as I have, that it's an unrealistic expectation.  But if that's true; if we live believing there really is no hope for us to live as a peaceful, global human race, then we never will see that come to fruition.  It's cliche, I know, but Peace starts with each and every one of us......individually.  It starts by finding your own tranquility and serenity.  It begins by discontinuing your search on the outside and looking INSIDE yourself for the Peace that already lives there.  Oh, it's in there alright.  How bad do you want to find it?  From there, it's simple really.  You share that Peace with a friend, neighbor or stranger.  You invite them to find THEIR Peace and then pass it on, and so on and so on and so on.  It's the world's most awesome multi-level marketing plan.  It's "Pay It Forward" on steroids. 
I can already feel some of your eyes rolling.  I can hear you saying, "Matt has finally derailed."  Have I?  Or are we so used to rifling down the same track that the thought of Peace just sounds too tough to tackle?  I have a vision that I often play in my warped little mind.  It goes something like this.  Two opposing military units approach each other in Civil War style.  In rigid formation they come closer, weapons shouldered, awaiting the order to "make ready."  As they prepare to take aim and fire, one commander simply orders his troops to lower their weapons to the ground and extend a hand instead.  Not in surrender, but in brotherhood.  Sounds nice doesn't it?  
The simple truth is, World Peace will never happen until someone sets the example.  Are there risks involved?  Of course.  Some will take advantage.  But the rest of the world looks at the United States as an example of strength and freedom.  How about we lower our weapons and give them an example of brotherhood instead.  Maybe....just maybe, they'll follow the lead.
We aren't divided by borders, we're connected in brotherhood.....the human race.  Isn't it time?


  1. Love your words....Thanks. Got here from your tweet!

  2. May I add one more quote on peace Matt.

    "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you."
    Jesus Christ

    So enjoy seeing you share you talent Matt.

  3. I like the post, very well said. But I think we all know what is going to happen. Humans are not wired for peace, we desire conflict and power. Not "us" but you know what I mean. The powers that be have the will to destroy anything that gets in their way, inclueding the idea of peace. One day, we will kill each other, and the survivors will know peace. I just hope they figure out a way to not let history repeat itself. I wish people would have peace, I just don't see it ever happening until some very fundemental changes occure, and I don't see that happening either. So for now I am going to stick with inner peace, since that is the only way I have any true control over it. And wait for the rest of the world to get smart.
