Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Farewell Signs

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."  -Ecclesiastes III-

"Good writing takes more than just time; it wants your best moments and the best of you."

-Real Live Preacher, RealLivePreacher.com weblog, 10-09-04-
"But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling like dew, upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think."

-George Gordon Byron-
The signs are everywhere and no longer possible to ignore.  I knew it was happening when I couldn't generate a blog concept regarding the Islamic Cultural Center at Ground Zero.  What started as a tiny seed of thought took root and today came full circle during my jog.  It's time to stop blogging and start my book.
Rambings of a 138 has been my baby.  It's also been my refuge; my hiding place, if you will, from bigger and better things.  Those who know me well, know that the entire concept for this blog came from a personal journal I began over two years ago.  That journal was raw and uncensored.  It was full of anger and opinion and politics and religion.  I began that writing as a means to vent.  I had a million thoughts a minute running through my mind about a thousand different topics.  This little laptop helped me make sense of it all.  Then somewhere in the venting, I had the idea that it would be fun to make my opinions and thoughts more public.   Ramblings of a 138 was born.
A title for the blog was my first challenge.  I had plenty of material.  By mere chance (or so I thought) I got my first glance at the number 138 by taking an online IQ test.  You and I both know my IQ isn't anywhere close to that, but that number has come to mean things to me you can't imagine.  I see it everywhere, stamped on everything.  That number has become a guide that leads me in the right direction and on occasion has even been a warning that thwarted harm.  I can't explain it.  You'd have to live it.  Recognition of that number has even caught the attention of an illustrator that is working with me on a children's book project.  It just simply shows up everywhere.
Some of the topics I've covered have served as a mirror for my own spiritual journey.  The venting I did initially, has given way to a sense of peace and understanding.  As much as I value my own opinion about things and have always wanted you to value them as well, I suddenly don't feel the need to share them publicly.  As much as some of my topics have been thought-provoking, there have been times when I fear my writing has also stirred some dissention.  There was a time when I thrived on that kind of attention, but times have changed.  Now I'm realizing that discussing the same things over and over again, be they religious or political in nature, simply get me nowhere.  There always have been, are now, and always will be people of varying opinions and I no longer feel the fire within me to tilt the scale in my favor.  
So what happens next?  (You MUST be on pins and needles by now).  Well first of all, the blog site will remain open for you to come back and visit any time and I hope you will.  Revisit old posts and see if they stir your soul.  For the forseeable future, any posts you see from me will be in the form of excerpts from my book project.  I'm going to keep the title close to the vest for now, but the subject will be about my own personal spiritual journey from childhood to present.  Look for the finished product at your neighborhood bookstore sometime this decade. 
I already have a children's book in the illustration phase and hope to submit that sometime this year or early next for consideration.  Self-publishing isn't out of the question.  I have at least one other book idea on the table and like all people who love to write, I want to write the great American novel.  Look for THAT at your bookstore in about, uh...........well, it's gonna be awhile.
I want to thank each and every person who ever read an entry, visited the site, checked out my profile, became a follower, left a comment or even just checked a box.  This blog has been a labor of love for me and seeing a new follower or comment always made me smile.  It just wouldn't have been as much fun without my few faithful fans.  There is one person I'd like to single out.  This blog was an instrument in leading her to me and she has been my biggest fan, bar none.
Linda, you have inspired more of my writing than you could possibly know, even before I knew you were reading it.  You gave me courage.  The very best thing that came from this blog or any of my writing was that it led me back to you.   That little 138 led me to my true love at long last.  Together we'll embark on a whole new adventure and that includes your writing as well.  I love you.
So my dear friends, I sign off filled with joy of the expectation of new challenges to come.  Please come back to visit, and I'd love a comment of "so long".  (I don't care much for good-byes).  It's been a blast.  For our next virtual party, let's celebrate a book signing!
Love and Light,


  1. Dear Matt...master of the pen and of my heart...

    I thought I would feel sadness reading your closing blog entry...many thoughts and feelings made their way through me head (as it was spinning around :-), yet none of them could be described as sadness.

    Ramblings has a very special place in my heart as you well know.

    I first admired you 37 years ago in a place far away and yet so close...and then, more recently, my admiration for you burgeoned as I eagerly soaked up your thoughts, feelings and opinions...each blog entry making me hungry for more. I found myself in sheer awe of the courageous, optimistic, honest, generous, thoughtful, intelligent man you are. (I ALWAYS knew you were the greatest!!!)

    As time went by, I began pinching myself hourly...was I still dreaming of my Knight in Shining Armor or had my dreams really come true??? (I have lots of little bruises from all the pinching ;-)

    I am so grateful and honored to have been on board as a follower through your introspective journey.

    You have made me laugh out loud, you have made me scratch my head and have to think really hard to keep up with you, you have shared thoughts that have resonated with my spirit and you have touched my heart and given rise to much joy and happiness. As I have said before...I love your writing...I am in awe of you and your talents.

    I am so excited for the next segment of your scriptive artform...and so fortunate to be by your side as you put pen to paper as you have never done before...it will be a grand adventure and I will be there!!!!

    I thank the Universe daily for the gift of you.

    I love you.


  2. Matt...
    I do not comment on blogs I read as I do not wish to agree nor disagree with the author but choose to celebrate the freedom of press we share as Americans. Your blogs have promoted thought on my part and I just wanted you to know I have enjoyed reading them. Your wisdom or lack of on different topics will be missed... Thanks for the ride, I look forward to following your next endeavor or our next USAR run...Much love Mark Breidenbach

  3. Good luck in whatever arises in your path!

