Monday, March 22, 2021

Why Wouldn't You?


“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” 

~Nelson Mandela~


It's been a challenging year, has it not? Between the onset of a pandemic and one of the most ferocious elections I can remember, our nation has definitely shown its ugly polarization. Perhaps the fact that we all still identify by nation rather than planet is the heart of the problem. I just can't be sure about that. 

But for the moment, if you'll indulge me, let's set aside politics, religion, ethnicity, and all that seems to divide us, and talk about our humanity. In my heart, I continue to hope we all want the same basic things for each other. Perhaps we have different views about getting there, but we want it just the same. If I'm wrong about that, then I'm disheartened beyond words. I need some explanation.

So, let's begin with the one topic most near and dear to our hearts; face masks. Oh my goodness, the cries have been loud and clear from both sides of the issue. I don't think I have to remind you of the extreme positions regarding the wearing of masks and how they do (or do not) help reduce the rate of infection for Covid-19. But my god, pretty much every expert on the planet has told us they work. They, at the very least, help. But I'll play devil's advocate with you. Sure. Why not? Let's assume for the sake of argument that all these experts are wrong and are just trying to "keep you down" and "destroy your freedoms."  Let's say they only work half as well as they say. Hell, let's say they only work a small fraction of what the experts tell us. Now let's assume you're going to go see your sickly grandmother and you're not really sure if you've been exposed to Covid. Would you wear it? Even if it only helps just a teensy-weensy bit, would you? Even if it only approves the odds a little, it could save your grandmother's life. Why wouldn't you?!?!

Ah, let's move on to the good ole Covid-19 Vaccine. You know the one. It's the one that could move us more rapidly to herd immunity. It's the one that uses technology you've never heard of (mRNA) and so you think it's new. It's the one you won't take because you don't want to be a guinea pig. If folks less than 100 years ago would have taken that approach, we'd still be in the clutches of Polio and Smallpox. It IS a new approach to vaccines. But it isn't new. And you're not a guinea pig. It's been tested plenty. But let's consider your grandmother or even your children again. I'll bite and say it's dangerous. It isn't, but I'll bite. If it WORKS, even if there are some long-term effects, I'd take it in a heartbeat to protect my family. Why Wouldn't You?!?!

And now for one of my all-time favorites; Gun Control. For the love of all things holy, no one is coming for your guns. I'll be the first to admit that there are probably a handful on the far left that would love to see guns banned altogether. It's a handful that'll never get a foothold. Hell, I own several guns. Gun ownership is a Second Amendment right, but that doesn't mean it should be easy or that any fool can go out and by a handgun or assault weapon without some level of scrutiny. That just makes sense. Oh, and by the way, take a good look at that Second Amendment again. The way I read it, it's so our government can easily call up a militia against an enemy, not so you can rise up against them. So keep them. Dear lord, keep them. But surely, if you're a sane, legal, responsible gun owner, what could you possibly have against registering guns, even if it's guns you already have? Criminals will always find a way to get guns. That's reality. And you should be able to keep yours. That's the Constitution. But I'm more than willing to make it inconvenient and do my part. Why Wouldn't You?!?!

In the United States, we have some of the finest doctors and hospitals in the world. Some of them. We don't have them all. But what good are they if basic, hard-working folks can't afford to take advantage of them? Is Universal Health Care the answer? I'm not sure I have the answer for that. But I do know this. A medical condition shouldn't force you into bankruptcy. And neither should the cost of health insurance. That's ridiculous. And don't even get me started on the cost of prescription drugs. It's criminal. "But my taxes!!" you scream from the rooftops. Let me help you with some math, or at least how the math works for me. I came across a sweet deal, and my monthly health insurance is still almost 25% of my monthly income. If I paid full price, it would be nearly half. So if raising my income tax another 25% gets me universal health coverage, I'm all in. I'll be money way ahead and I won't have to fear bankruptcy. I'd be in on something like that. Why Wouldn't You?!?!

I'll try to be brief on this part. Let's lump it all into one big "ism." Racism, Sexism, or nearly any other ism. Things are changing and change is hard. But change is good!! Look, I wasn't warped by Pepe Le Pew, but now that my eyes are opened to the kind of attitude something like that COULD breed, I'm ok with it being discontinued. Dr Seuss? Bravo to those that decided to stop publication of books with racist undertones of any kind. Does it seem like over-kill? Yeah, I'll be honest. It kinda does. But I'm not a racial minority or a woman who's been sexually assaulted. So I'll defer to their expertise and say, these changes are good. Do it! Why Wouldn't You?!?!

I won't lie. The level of ignorance surrounding this next topic infuriates me. No one (hear me now), NO ONE from Mexico is taking your job. And zero percent of immigrants without status qualify for, well, just about anything. I'll tell you what's taking your jobs. Automation is taking your jobs. Rich corporations using labor oversees that'll work for 25 cents a day is taking your jobs. And you.....your lack of willingness to at least make an attempt to evolve in a changing workforce is taking your job. If you have any humanity left in your body at all, you know damned well you'd cross a thousand miles and two rivers to make a better life for your family, even if it was for the most menial of jobs. You'd risk anything. If you say no, then you're either a liar or lazy. This is America, for crying out loud. Bring us your poor, and all that. There's room. There's plenty of room. At the very, very least, it seems like we should make the path to citizenship reasonable and affordable. You think immigrants are rapists, murderers, and drug dealers? Then you're a special kind of ignorant. There's a good chance you can look across the street to find those. I would be more than willing to make this the land of the free for those who seek it. Why Wouldn't You?!?!

Just one more and then I'll wrap it up and wait for the fallout. Gas prices are increasing. Do you know why? No, it isn't because of Biden any more than it was Trump that kept them low, so you can stop the political rhetoric about gas prices. It's a complicated issue, but it's basically about supply and demand, and there are a plethora of issues that effect those two things. There is something else that will drive the price of gasoline up, and frankly, I'm all for it: the pursuit of renewable/green energy. I know shutting down pipelines and the laying off of pipeline workers is horrible on a micro-economic scale. I really do hurt for those making that sacrifice. But know this. Oil and natural gas are finite resources. Beyond that, their combustion is killing our planet. A change has to happen. It has to. Climate change is a real issue. We have to consider alternative power sources and it's gonna hurt. Pipeline workers will have to consider a career shift to renewable energy plants. Pipelines are going to need to be replaced with something else. And gas prices will have to rise to a level that makes burning fossil fuels undesirable. That's going to hurt. A lot! But even if the scientists are only a fraction correct about climate change, I'd be willing to make some changes to help our species. 

Why Wouldn't You?!?!

Sunday, March 21, 2021

I'm Not Leaving. I'm Only Dying.


"Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it." 

~ Haruki Murakami~


It's been nearly 8 years since my father died, and until recently, I hadn't shed a tear about it. And while you may find that odd, it may be helpful to know that I speak to and understand my father more now than I ever did when his body was alive. And even though his body is no longer, he is as alive to me now as ever. In fact, more so.

I was at my father's bedside when he transitioned from where he lived then to where he resides now. His entire family was there. But my part was a unique blessing. Not only was I there, but I had my right hand on his shoulder and my left hand on his wrist. I felt his body take its last breath and felt his heart take its last beat. It was at that moment my father became a part of everything. I believe we all are a part of everything even while our bodies are alive, but that's probably a deeper subject for another time.

I didn't cry as he died. I didn't even miss him initially. And before you think me calloused and unfeeling, I often long for the physical form of his voice or the hugs where he didn't want to let go. But, you see (and this is reeeeally important), my father didn't leave. He only died.  Or more accurately, his body died. Our body is a biological, carbon, and star-dust based vessel. It will age and wear out. But we won't.

There is an enormous amount of debate regarding the presence of a "soul" and where it goes when we die. There is scientific evidence now of a soul actually having mass. People making their transition have been weighed right before and immediately after death and the difference in weight is scientifically significant. There are those, of course, who believe our soul travels to a place called heaven (or hell, depending on your interpretation of biblical scripture). 

There was a time not many years ago when I adhered to that same belief system. Oh my gosh, what an incredible burden to bear!! How heartbreaking to think someone you cared for is somehow spending their eternal life in misery because they missed the boat on some religious, man-made notion. It wasn't big enough for me. 

When people learn I'm not a Christian, they often assume I'm an atheist. And while I find that shallow and, to be honest, ignorant, it often leaves me struggling to explain where I do land in the vast arena of spiritual belief.  It's simple. I believe everyone and every THING is part of the same universe. (I could go on for days about the fascinating studies being done in the area of Quantum Mechanics and the possibility of multiple dimensions, but let's just leave it in this dimension for now.) We are, all of us, made of the same thing. Every THING is made of the same material at its Everything vibrates at different frequencies, which is why you move and your kitchen table doesn't, but at our very core, we're the same. 

It's a debate that goes far beyond the typical length of this blog and my attention span, but I'm trying to come full circle to why I didn't find deep sadness when my father died. He's here. Right now. He's here. He's a part of the keyboard where I type. He's part of every tree, blade of grass, and every tool I own that was once his. EVERY. WHERE. 

I can't even begin to tell you the times I struggle with something and ask him right out loud, "You have any input on this, Pops?" I get an answer each and every time. Sometimes it's silence, but my head is instantly filled with his input. Sometimes I can just feel his presence. I can hear him say,
"There's mah buddy!" And sometimes I can hear him say, "Shine the light where I'm working, boy!" Makes me smile every time. 

I don't consider myself all that handy or mechanical, but I've taken on some projects I hadn't the foggiest idea how to complete, and somehow they just fell together. I know that's my dad's hand guiding every nail. I know he's helping with tool selection, and I know it's him telling me when to get help. He's everywhere. And I get so much peace knowing he has "the answers" now. He's pure energy. He's spirit, and he's everywhere. He didn't leave, not for one second.

I hope as I approach my 7th decade and understand more and more about my body's mortality, those that know me and/or love me, know that I don't fear death. My time in this body has been remarkable and I wouldn't feel the slightest bit cheated if it decided to quit today. It happens to us all. Just remember that, no matter what happens to my body, I'm not going anywhere. Or, you might say, I'm going everywhere.

I'm not leaving. I'm only dying
