"Just get over it"
"You can do it"
What is this "It" of which you speak? Who, what, and most importantly WHERE is this elusive "It" to which you refer me? You can do It. Time to get over It. Is It different than This or even That? As in, "This too shall pass" or "I've been through That."
Many modern-day scientists, specifically physicists, are blowing the doors off Newtonian physics. What we, in this generation have known to be true, simply is not. The old laws of physics no longer apply. Experiment after experiment at the subatomic level have proven beyond reasonable doubt things move at random.....and in order. Confusing, right? The Quantum has shown us that we are moving away from a world of either/or to a world of both/and. It's fascinating. What is now routinely referred to as the Space-Time Continuum, shows us that all things, at least at the subatomic level, are happening at the same time AND different times......all at the same time! And guess what? ALL things are made of subatomic particles........energy. You and your kitchen table both come from the same place.
So what exactly does that mean for someone like you and me? The implications are infinite. And I can only speak for me at this juncture, but for me, this brings confusion. What all this science means is that there really isn't an "It" versus "This" or "That". It means we're all related....all connected. It means time is relative and what seems like it took so long really didn't and what seems so far away really isn't.
So in fashion fitting the title of my blog, I've rambled about all that physics stuff to get to this. My head is completely wrapped around the implications of modern science (I don't GET it, but I see where they're going with it), yet my heart is not. And therein lies the challenge of the human experience. In the head vs heart arena lies the challenge of reconciling being human with being spirit. You see, I completely get that the one I love isn't really so far away, yet my heart aches for her physical presence. I understand that there truly is no separation in the overall scheme of things, yet my heart feels the emptiness. My head knows time is not linear and what seems like forever isn't really so long. It knows that two years went by in an eyeblink, yet it was really a lifetime. But my heart......my HUMANness, just doesn't understand.
So what does one do when confronted with the advice of those so well-meaning when told "you should get out more" or "it's time to get over It?" Well........I don't know. Because for me, there is no It. There is simply now and the daily "struggle" (I despise that word) to understand being human; to understand the truth that I am only spirit having a human experience. So as a human, I heed certain pieces of advice and put one wobbly foot in front of the other and check for footing. Sometimes the step feels solid. Sometimes not. But in the wake of not seeing my path clearly, I put faith in the concept of well-meaning friends and science and move forward. That makes sense, doesn't it? Well, doesn't it?
This is clearly a rambling of epic proportions. All my studying, reading, meditating, and reflection make it perfectly clear to me that all is being orchestrated exactly as it should be. But today my human is weary and would give nearly anything for one more touch, look, or word. That's just the way It is. So for today I'll let my head try grasping the wonder of science, while I do my best to embrace the emotions of my humanness and know they're leading me somewhere.
Life is a wondrous event of learning and growing, but it isn't only that. It is an opportunity for Joy. Today I'm missing mine, but it isn't so far, and the wait not so long. It only seems that way.