Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mass Hysteria

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it." Dr. Adrian Rogers (Special thanks to my buddy Rod in Nebraska for the quote).
Let me clear up a couple things. I'm basically a Conservative. I lean to the Moderate side, but certainly no where NEAR liberal. Yes, I voted for Obama, but if you've kept up with earlier blogs you'll know why. Now lets clear something else up.....please. Take a really good, looooooooooong look at the picture above. That is your president; love him or hate him, it's a free country. He is NOT the anti-christ, a socialist nutcase or Karl Marx. Some of his views are somewhat more "socialistic", but guess what. HE'S A DEMOCRAT!!!!!!!!!!!! People are scaring me......really.
The latest in the conservative radio voice of mass hysteria is about Obama's speech to school children regarding the value of a good education, staying in school, studying hard, making something of yourself. People on the far right and every talk show I listen to, say that the President's agenda is about brainwashing our children into some kind of socialist mindset. Are you kidding me? Listen to me.......ARE YOU F'IN KIDDING ME??? The President of the United States and the leader of the free world wants to tell our kids to stay in school. Someone PLEASE explain to me how that is a partisan agenda where he wants to make our kids socialist robots.
I've heard recordings and seen publications quoting parents saying stuff about separation of school and politics..........."We'll teach our own kids, thank-you." What better role model FOR A CHILD who as yet has no political savvy is there than the president? I heard one parent state that it's the teachers job to deliver this message. No it isn't. It's a teachers job to teach. And I'm sorry, if the teachers were doing a good job of inpiring kids, there wouldn't be a 30% dropout rate. Don't get me wrong. Teaching is a thankless job that pays too little and there are many wonderful, inspiring teachers out there. I'm just talking about the system in general. It's broken. It's broken just like health care is broken.  Finally..........FINALLY.............someone is at least trying to fix it. You don't have to like how he's doing it, but at least support the fact that someone is finally trying.

All I'm saying is this......just like the health care reform bill, don't listen to propoganda. Do your own homework. At least see a copy of Obama's speech before you bash it. To my knowledge, no one but Obama and his speech writer have even seen it. Please, please, please!!! I'm begging you! Stop shooting from the hip without the facts. Sean Hannity wants you to be a Republican. There's nothing wrong with that....just be a Republican for the right reason.
You can't cure stupid, but you can sure do something about ignorance. Stop being ignorant.